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Slatestonecommunity in N central Beaufort County. Alt. 40.
Slatten Creekrises in central Jackson County and flows SE into Robinson Creek.
Slaty Branchrises in NE Buncombe County and flows SE into Flat Creek.
Slaty KnobW Madison County between Rector Branch and French Broad River. Alt. 2,790.
Sled Runner Gapin the Unicoi Mountains on the Cherokee County, N.C.-Monroe County, Tenn., line near the headwaters of Garreck Creek. Alt. approx. 3,850.
Sleepy Creekrises in SE Carteret County between the communities of Gloucester and Marshallberg and flows S approx. 1½ mi. into The Straits. Appears on the Collet map, 1770.
Sleepy Creekrises in S Wayne County and flows NE into Neuse River. Saponi Indians lived along its banks, and many arrowheads and artifacts have been found there. Tradition says that the Indians believed the waters of the creek had medicinal values. Sick Indians came to drink the water and later would lie along the creek banks to sleep, hence the name.
Sleepy GapS Buncombe County between Grassy Knob and Truckwheel Mountain.
Slek CreekSee Town Fork Creek.
Slick Rockelevation between the head of Norton Branch and the head of Cane Creek in SE Macon County approx. 3 mi. SE of town of Highlands. Alt. approx. 3,340.