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Skiffly Branchrises in W Madison County and flows S into Roaring Fork.
Skin Cabin Creekrises in S Surry County and flows SE into Ararat River.
Skinner CanalN Washington County, drains N from East Dismal Swamp to Kendricks Creek. Known in 1868 as McRae Canal.
Skinner's PointSee Hornblower Point.
Skinnersvillecommunity in N Washington County. Post office est. in 1808 with service until 1908. Name was changed to Leo. The site of the community having moved to the ne, the old site became known locally as Old Skinnersville.
Skinnersville TownshipNE Washington County, was formed in 1868.
Skipper Branchrises in S central Brunswick County and flows S into Shallotte Creek.
Skitty Creekrises in E Macon County and flows S into Cullasaja River.
Skull Camp MountainNW Surry County. Alt. 2,082. A post office, Scull Camp, served the area, 1800-1856. The name appears on the U.S. Coast Survey map, 1865.
Skunk Creekrises in central Lee County and flows NW into Big Buffalo Creek.