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Holland Branchrises in E Madison County and flows SE into Middle Fork.
Holland Branchrises in E Onslow County and flows N into Holland Mill Creek.
Holland Creekrises in S Rutherford County and flows NE into Second Broad River.
Holland GapE Haywood County on Glade Mountain.
Holland Mill Creekrises in E Onslow County and flows into White Oak River. Also called Holland's Creek.
Holland Mountainextends from near Canton in E Haywood County to Hooker Gap in SW Buncombe County. Its peak is known as The Pinnacle.
Holland's CreekSee Holland Mill Creek.
Holland's Pointextends from E Onslow County into Queens Creek.
Hollandscommunity in N Pitt County on Conetoe Creek.
Hollands Creekrises in W Chatham County and flows SE into Rocky River.