North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Holly Ridgetown in S Onslow County. Alt. 66. Est. about 1890 as a wood station on the railroad. Inc. 1941. Named for a slight elevation on which holly formerly grew; at Holly Shelter Bay about 1 mi. S was Sages Ordinary (dating from the Revolution), at which George Washington spent the night, April 23, 1791. See also Camp Davis.
Holly Shelter Baya pocosin in E Pender County bounded on the NE by Shaken Creek, on the W by Northeast Cape Fear River, and on the S by Trumpeter Swamp. It is about 10 mi. long and 7 mi. wide. Appears as Holly Schelter Precoson on the Collet map, 1770 (although mistakenly applied to Angola Bay), and on the Price map, 1808. Holly Shelter Wildlife Management Area, 48,470 acres, is operated by the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission; bear and deer abound.
Holly Shelter Creekreceives the waters of Angola, Shaken, and Moores Creeks; Cane Branch; and other streams in NE Pender County and flows W approx. 30 mi. into Northeast Cape Fear River. Called Shelter River in a 1913 report by the U.S. Chief of Engineers. Appears as Holly Schelter Creek on the Collet map, 1770.
Holly Springscommunity in E Carteret County on Newport River.
Holly Springscommunity in W Henderson County between Boylston and Brock Creeks.
Holly Springscommunity in S Rutherford County; former resort with a hotel.
Holly Springstown in S Wake County. Settled 1826; inc. 1877. Named for holly trees growing near a spring in the vicinity. Alt. 350.
Holly Springscommunity in N Yadkin County between Smithtown and Yadkin River.
Holly Springs TownshipSW Wake County.
Holly TownshipNE Pender County.