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Holcombe Covethe valley through which Moore Creek flows in SW Buncombe County.
Holden Beacha section of outer beach in S Brunswick County W of Lockwoods Folly Inlet and E of Big Beach. Approx. 3.5 mi. long. A summer resort with cottages is there.
Holden Covevalley in central Clay County through which Downing Creek flows.
Holden CoveSE Clay County between Big Kitchens and Little Kitchens Ridges.
Holden's Crossroadscommunity in E Wilson County N of White Oak Swamp. Named for W. T. Holden, local landowner.
Holder Branchrises in W Duplin County and flows SW into Maxwell Creek.
Holder Creekrises in NE Mitchell County and flows SE into Charles Creek.
Holiday Islandapprox. 2 mi. long in the Chowan River, NW Chowan County. Formerly about 150 acres, but now only about 40 to 50 acres. Appears on the Collet map, 1770, as Holladay Island.
Holiday LakeSee Pages Lake.
Hollandcommunity in S Wake County. Est. 1900. Named for J. C. Holland. Alt. 411.