Stump Sound | skirts the S edge of Onslow County between the Onslow-Pender county line and Alligator Bay in S Onslow County. The sound is filled with tidal-marsh islands and is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a barrier beach. |
Stump Sound Township | SW Onslow County. |
Stumpy Creek | rises in S Iredell County and flows SW into Cornelius Creek. |
Stumpy Inlet | See Stump Inlet. |
Stumpy Point | peninsula extending S from the E mainland of Dare County into Pamlico Sound and Stumpy Point Bay. Appears on the Moseley map, 1733. |
Stumpy Point | community on the E mainland of Dare County on Stumpy Point Bay. Alt. 3. |
Stumpy Point Bay | an almost round bay on the E mainland of Dare County. It has a narrow entrance into Pamlico Sound on the SE side. Formerly a lake, it appears as Stumpy Point Lake on the Moseley map, 1733. Erosion opened the lake into Pamlico Sound. |
Stumpy Point Lake | See Stumpy Point Bay. |
Sturdivants Cross Roads | community in SE Union County S of Lanes Creek. |
Sturgeon Creek | rises in NE Brunswick County and flows E into Mill Creek. |