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Straight Creekrises in NE Buncombe County and flows NW into North Fork Ivy Creek.
Straight CreekW Haywood County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, rises near lat. 35°34'37" N., long. 83°09'36" W., and flows E into Caldwell Fork.
Straight Forkrises in NE Swain County in Great Smoky Mountain National Park and flows S and SW into Raven Fork.
Straitscommunity in SE Carteret County on a point of land extending into the mouth of North River.
Straits Townshipon The Straits in central Carteret County. At one time, a portion of Straits was called no. 5 township. From Straits were formed Carteret and no. 9 townships (both now abolished) and Merrimon.
Straits, Thestraits in the waters between North River and Core Sound in SE Carteret County between Harkers Island and the mainland.
Strange Branchrises in NE Cherokee County and flows SE into Big Cove Branch.
Strangenbergs CreekSee Silas Creek.
Stratfordcommunity in W central Alleghany County.
Stratton BaldW Graham County at NW end of Horse Cove Ridge. Alt. approx. 5,380.