North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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High KnobE Mitchell County between Ivy Knob and Lightwood Mountain.
High KnobE Mitchell County between Little Bald and Stagger Weed Creek.
High KnobN central Transylvania County at the E end of Shutin Ridge.
High KnobS Yancey County near the head of Banks Creek.
High KnobSW Yancey County on Wilson Ridge.
High Laurel Branchrises in W Macon County and flows W into Nantahala Lake.
High Lonesome MountainSE Jackson County between Fowler Creek and Ellicott Mountain.
High MountainNE Rutherford County between Oakey Mountain and Silver Creek Knob.
High Peakon the Buncombe-Henderson county line.
High Peakcentral Burke County. Alt. 2,184.