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Hide Ponda muck-filled slough in SE Duplin County.
Hidetowncommunity in E Graham County on Stecoah Creek.
Higdon Branchrises in E Macon County and flows NW into Ellijay Creek.
Higdon MountainE Macon County at the head of Higdon Branch. Alt. 4,045.
Higdonvillecommunity in E Macon County on Battle Branch.
Higgens Islandformerly a 10-acre island in Little Tennessee River in NE Graham County. Now under the waters of Fontana Lake.
Higginscommunity in N central Yancey County on Cane River. Alt. 2,390. Named for John Higgins, early settler and father of a large family.
Higgins Creekrises in W Yancey County and flows NW into Cane River.
Higgins KnobW Yancey County between Langford Branch and Higgins Creek.
Higgins Townshipcentral McDowell County.