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Horseshoe MountainSE Macon County at the head of Brooks Creek.
Horseshoe Necka sharp bend in the Yadkin River in W Davidson and E Davie Counties. The neck of land formed by the bend is in Davidson County. Appears on the Collet map, 1770, as Horse-shoe. See also Boone's Cave.
Horseshoe RidgeS Swain County between Dark Branch and Davis Branch.
Horseshoe Rockpeak on the SW end of Wolf Mountain, E Jackson County.
Horseshoe, Thebend in Nantahala River, W Macon County.
Horseshoe, Thea ridge parallel to a deep bend in Hazel Creek, W Swain County.
Horsetrough RidgeNE Swain County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, a spur extending SW from Overlook Ridge between Heintooga Creek and Selma Creek.
Horseway Swamprises in E Pitt County and flows NE into Beaufort County, where it enters Chicod Creek.
Horton BayN central Carteret County behind Horton Point near the mouth of South River.
Horton Branchrises in N Cherokee County and flows SW into Beaverdam Creek.