North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Horse Shoecommunity in W Henderson County. Named because it is situated in a sharp bend in French Broad River. Alt. 2,083.
Horse Shoe MountainW Henderson County between Johnsons Mill Creek and French Broad River. Alt. 2,775.
Horse Swamprises in S Hertford County and flows SE and NE to join Flat Swamp in forming Bear Swamp.
Horse Swamprises in E Onslow County and flows NW into Little Northeast Creek.
Horse Swamprises in S Robeson County and flows SW into Aaron Swamp.
Horse Swamp PocosinE Onslow County between Queens Creek and Little Northeast Creek.
Horse Trail Gapon the McDowell-Yancey county line near the head of Roaring Fork.
Horse Trough MountainW Montgomery County near Woodrun Creek.
Horse's Creekrises in S Moore County and flows SW into Deep Creek.
Horse's Creekrises in W Moore County and flows NW into Dry Creek.