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Chandler KnobN Madison County near the head of Revere Creek.
Chandler's GroveSee Chandler.
Chaney Creekrises in central Onslow County and flows SW into New River.
Chapanokecommunity in E Perquimans County. Named for an Indian village, Chepanoc, the site of which probably is on Wade Point, Pasquotank County. The name apparently was an Indian word for "land of the dead." Alt. 15.
Chapel Branchrises in SW Hertford County and flows NW into Cutawhiskie Swamp. See also St. Johns (community).
Chapel Branchrises in W Beaufort County and flows N into Bear Creek.
Chapel Creekrises in S Pasquotank County and flows SE into Big Flatty Creek.
Chapel Creekrises in N Pamlico County and flows S into Bay River.
Chapel Creekrises SE of the town of Chapel Hill, SE Orange County, and flows SE into Morgan Creek.
Chapel Hilltown in SE Orange County, seat of the University of North Carolina, which opened January 16, 1795. A committee to lay out the town was authorized by the trustees of the university on December 8, 1792, and lots were first sold on October 12, 1793. Appears on the Samuel Lewis map published in Carey's atlas in 1795. Inc. 1819. Named for the Church of England New Hope Chapel, which once stood at the crossroads on the wooded hill. Alt. 501.