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Chairmaker Branchrises in central Clay County and flows NW into Tusquitee Creek.
Chairmancommunity in NE Brunswick County.
Chalk Creekrises in N Rutherford County and flows SW into Cove Creek.
Chalk Levelcommunity in N Harnett County served by post office, 1855-1908.
Chalk MountainSee Toms Mountain.
Chalk MountainS Mitchell County between Brushy Creek and North Toe River. Alt. 3,558.
Chalybeate (ka-lib-e-ate)community in N Harnett County. Settled 1760. Named for nearby springs containing salts of iron. Former health resort. Alt. 175.
Chamberscommunity in SW Burke County.
Chambers Branchrises in E Haywood County on Chambers Mountain and flows S into Pigeon River.
Chambers CoveS Haywood County on a tributary of West Prong Pigeon River.