North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Cascade Creekrises in S Virginia and flows SE into Rockingham County, where it enters Dan River. Named by William Byrd, surveyor of region in 1728, for small rapids near boundary.
Cascade Fallson Cascade Creek, W central Stokes County in Hanging Rock State Park. From a high rock precipice, water falls about 200 ft. in an "Upper Cascade" and then falls another 60 ft. in a "Lower Cascade." The falls are S of Tories Den.
Cascade Lakein E Transylvania County in Little River. Covers 150 acres and has max. depth of 75 ft. Used for hydroelectric power and recreation.
Cascoponung RiverSee Scuppernong River.
Case Camp RidgeN Transylvania County, extends E in an arc from Pisgah Ridge to Case Ridge Gap.
Case Covethe valley through which Wise Branch flows in SW Buncombe County.
Case Ridge Gapin N Transylvania County at the E end of Case Camp Ridge.
Casescommunity in W Rockingham County served by post office, 1882-1905.
Casey Bayon Pamlico Sound side of Portsmouth Island W of community of Portsmouth, E Carteret County.
Casey Branchrises in SW Polk County and flows NE into Cove Creek.