North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Carson MountainN Rutherford County, extends NE between Cane Creek and Lookadoo Mountain.
Carson's Creekcommunity in SE Transylvania County near the South Carolina line.
Cart IslandSee Carrot Island.
Cartercommunity in NE Buncombe County near the junction of Mineral and Carter Creeks.
Cartercommunity in S Gates County.
Carter Branchrises in N Macon County and flows SW into Little Tennessee River.
Carter CoveS Clay County near Brasstown Gap.
Carter Covecommunity in S Clay County in the cove of the same name.
Carter Covethe valley through which Carter Cove Creek flows in central Buncombe County.
Carter Covethe valley through which Beaverdam Creek flows in SW Buncombe County.