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Carpenter Branchrises in W Haywood County and flows S into Jonathans Creek.
Carpenter Knobin N Cleveland County between Poundingmill and Knob Creeks. Alt. 1,619.
Carpenters Branchrises in S Macon County and flows N into Allison Creek.
Carpenters KnobW Lincoln County. Alt. 1,500.
Carrcommunity in NW Orange County.
Carr TownshipE Durham County.
Carr's Mountcommunity in central Anson County on N outskirts of Wadesboro. Alt. 445. Site of a silk mill in the early twentieth century. Other mills operated there from early nineteenth century; early fairgrounds and racetrack were there.
Carraway Creekrises in S central Wayne County and flows NW approx. 5 mi. into Neuse River. First known as Michael's Creek for the owner of surrounding land, Michael Rosher. Land sold to John Carraway in 1743 and the name of the creek changed.
Carrborotown in SE Orange County immediately W of Chapel Hill. Alt. 500. Settled 1898. Inc. 1911 as Venable; named for Francis P. Venable (1856-1934), president of the University of North Carolina. Changed to Carrboro, 1913, for Julian S. Carr (1845-1924), who est. a textile mill there.
Carrell Knobon the Cherokee-Clay county line in the Valley River Mountains.