Waterville Lake | on Pigeon River in N Haywood County in Pisgah National Forest. Alt. 2,258. Constructed in 1929 for hydroelectric power. Covers 340 acres; max. depth 180 ft. |
Watery Branch | rises in W Johnston County and flows E into Juniper Swamp. |
Watery Branch | rises in N Scotland County and flows NE into Lumber River. |
Watery Branch | rises in NE Wayne County near the town of Eureka and flows NE into Greene County, where it enters Contentnea Creek. |
Watery Branch | community in NE Wayne County. Settled as early as 1887. |
Watery Swamp | rises in central Gates County and flows S into Bennetts Creek. |
Watha | town in N central Pender County. Alt. 60. Inc. 1909. About 1840, with the construction of the railroad, the old town of South Washington, which see, moved to the site from a point approx. 1½ mi. NE. The railroad station originally was named Hiawatha, from which the present name was corrupted. For about two years after the formation of Pender County, Waterville served as a temporary county seat. See also Welsh Tract. |
Watia Creek | rises in W Swain County and flows E into Nantahala River. |
Watkins | community in W Vance County on Little Ruin Creek. Named for Samuel Watkins, Henderson merchant. |
Watkins Branch | rises in NE Cherokee County and flows NW into Valley River. |