North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Water Forkrises in W Orange County and flows S into Bear Creek.
Water Forkrises in N Wake County and flows S into Horse Creek.
Water Gapcentral Graham County between Mountain Creek and Sweetwater Creek.
Water Oak GapN Swain County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park on Welch Ridge near lat. 35°30'32" N., long. 83°36'21" W.
Water Tank Branchrises in NE Cherokee County and flows SE into Valley River. Named because the Southern Railway used it as a source of water for its steam locomotives.
Waterfall Branchrises in N Mitchell County and flows S into Right Fork Bean Creek.
Waterfall Creekrises in NE Buncombe County and flows NW into Carter Creek.
Waterhole Minemica and feldspar mine, SW Avery County.
Watering Hole Swamprises in W Robeson County and flows S into Wilkinson Swamp. Also sometimes known as Waterhole Swamp.
Waterlilycommunity on the S end of Church Island, E Currituck County. Settled about 1750. Named for water lilies growing in ponds and ditches there.