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Turkey TownshipE Sampson County.
Turkey-Buzzard RiverSee Hyco River.
Turkeyfootcommunity in W Davie County. Viewed from the air or in aerial photographs, local road intersections resemble a gobbler's appendage.
Turkeypen Branchrises in NE Cherokee County and flows S into Pile Creek.
Turkeypen Branchrises in S Watauga County and flows NE into Trout Creek.
Turkeypen RidgeE Madison County at the head of West Fork [Bull Creek].
Turlingtoncommunity in E Harnett County. Slocomb Crossroads, formerly recognized as a separate community, is now a part of the Turlington community.
Turnagain BayNE Carteret County emptying into Neuse River. Known as The Bay until about 1775.
Turnagain CreekNE Carteret County flows N to empty into Turnagain Bay. Known as The Bay Creek until around 1775. Said to have been named by Joseph Pittman, who ran an Indian out of his sweet potato patch. The Indian fled, swam the creek, and emerged on the opposite shore, where he turned to make an insulting remark to Pittman. Pittman told him to "turn again" and repeat what he had said. The Indian did, and Pittman shot him.
Turnagecommunity in S Edgecombe County.