North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Turkey Hen MountainSee Hen Mountain.
Turkey Hill Creekrises in W Orange County and flows SE into Cane Creek.
Turkey Hole, Thea deep slough on the E side of Contentnea Creek, E Greene County. So called from early times, probably from the abundance of wild turkeys in the vicinity.
Turkey KnobN Henderson County near the head of Laurel Branch. Alt. approx. 3,600.
Turkey Knobon Slickens Creek in E Jackson County.
Turkey Knobon the Jackson-Macon county line. Alt. 4,540.
Turkey KnobS Macon County between Board Gap and Wolf Gap.
Turkey MountainW Madison County between Baltimore Branch and Spring Creek.
Turkey MountainSE McDowell County. Alt. approx. 1,900.
Turkey Pencommunity in SW Cherokee County between Wolfe and Hot House Creeks.