North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Big Meadowsloamy section between Balls Mountain and Blackwood Mountain on the head of Old Field Creek in S Orange County.
Big Milksick Knobon the Clay-Macon county line.
Big Mooney Branchrises in S Macon County and flows SW into Kilby Creek.
Big MountainSee Asbury Mountain.
Big Mountain Branchrises in W Transylvania County and flows SW into North Fork French Broad River.
Big Mountain Creekrises in S Montgomery County and flows SW into Richmond County, where it enters Pee Dee River.
Big Mountain Gapcentral Transylvania County in Big Mountain Ridge, Pisgah National Forest. Alt. approx. 3,060.
Big Mountain Ridgecentral Transylvania County, extends about 2 mi. in a north-south direction. Bounded on the N by Three Forks Mountain. The ridge is a part of Pisgah National Forest.
Big Oak GapW Macon County on Fire Gap Ridge.
Big Peachtree Baldin the Valley River Mountains on the Cherokee-Clay county line.