North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Big Knobon Haywood-Madison county line.
Big KnobNW Henderson County between Queen Creek and Davie Mountain.
Big Knobon Snowbird Creek in SW Graham County.
Big Lake, Theformed by a large rock dam on Long Creek, W Surry County. Covers approx. 30 acres; max. depth 35 ft.
Big Laurelcommunity in SE Swain County on the head of Yalaka Creek.
Big Laurelcommunity in N Madison County on Spillcorn Creek. Alt. 2,034.
Big Laurelpeak in SE Clay County on the NW end of Little Kitchens Ridge.
Big Laurel Branchrises in S Macon County and flows NW into Kilby Creek.
Big Laurel Creekrises in E Madison County and flows W into French Broad River.
Big Laurel Creekrises in W Macon County and flows NW into Whiteoak Creek.