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Shady Grovecommunity in NW Caswell County.
Shady Grovecommunity in N Yadkin County. Named for a Baptist church.
Shady GroveSee Advance.
Shady Grove TownshipE Davie County. Named for Shady Grove Methodist Church, est. prior to or in 1816.
Shadygrovecommunity in NW Sampson County.
Shaftesbury Precinctwas formed by 1668 as a division of Albemarle County. It was named for Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of Shaftesbury (1621-83), one of the original Lords Proprietors of Carolina. Renamed Chowan Precinct about 1681. See also Chowan County.
Shakencommunity in NE Pender County on Shaken Creek E of its junction with Holly Shelter Creek. Served by post office, 1907-18.
Shaken Creekrises in E Pender County and flows NW into Holly Shelter Creek.
ShakeragSee Osgood.
Shalevillecommunity in W Madison County on Ferry Branch.