North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Sweet Branchrises in W Yancey County and flows NW into Cane River.
Sweet Creekrises in central Mitchell County and flows SE into Cub Creek.
Sweet CreekSee Frost Mill Creek.
Sweeten Creekrises in S Buncombe County and flows NW into Swannanoa River. Named for the Sweiton family, early settlers. Name later changed to Foster's Mill Creek and then back to Sweeten Creek.
Sweetgumcommunity in S Graham County.
Sweetwatercommunity in W Watauga County on Beaverdam Creek.
Sweetwater Branchrises in N central Henderson County and flows SE into North Fork.
Sweetwater Branchrises in S Madison County and flows SE into French Broad River.
Sweetwater Branchrises near Black Mountain in N Transylvania County and flows NE into South Fork Mills.
Sweetwater Branchrises in N Yancey County and flows SE into Sampson Branch.