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Stony Creekis formed in NE Buncombe County by the junction of Carter and Mineral Creeks. It flows N into Dillingham Creek.
Stony Creekrises in S Caswell County and flows S into Alamance County, where it enters Haw River. Appears as Marrow Bone River on the Moseley map, 1733.
Stony Creekrises in E Lee County and flows NW into Lick Creek.
Stony Creekis formed in W Nash County by the junction of Big and Little Peachtree Creeks and flows SE into Tar River. Appears on the Collet map, 1770.
Stony Creekrises in E Orange County and flows NE into Eno River.
Stony Creekrises in E Surry County and flows SW into Ararat River.
Stony Creekrises in central Wayne County and flows SW into Neuse River. Named in local records as early as 1756. The name appears as Rocky Creek on the Price map, 1808.
Stony Creekcommunity in S Caswell County. A post office operated there, 1836-1905.
Stony CreekSee Stony Fork Creek.
Stony Creek LakeSee Lake Burlington.