North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Snowbird Mountainon the Jackson-Macon county line.
Snowbird Mountainsextend across the E half of the Cherokee-Graham county line between Hawk Knob and Nantahala River. Max. alt. 4,743 at Teyahalee Bald.
Snowbird Topon the Cherokee-Graham county line in the Snowbird Mountains. Alt. 3,882.
Snowdencommunity in N Currituck County. Post office est. 1883; named for second postmaster, Milton Snowden. Service discontinued, 1966. Alt. 9.
Snows Cutcanal in S New Hanover County approx. 1 3/5 mi. long, connects Myrtle Sound with Cape Fear River. It forms a part of the Intracoastal Waterway.
Snyder Creekrises in NE Cherokee County and flows NW into Tatham Creek.
Snyder Creekrises in N Lincoln County and flows SE into Anderson Creek.
Soakas Creekrises in N Davidson County and flows W into S Forsyth County, where it enters South Fork Muddy Creek.
Soapstone Branchrises in NW Henderson County in Pisgah National Forest and flows E into McDowell Creek.
Soapstone Branchrises in E Mitchell County and flows W into Left Fork [Cane Creek].