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Orrumtown in S Robeson County. Settled as early as 1832 as a community around Big Branch Church. Inc. 1903. Orton was the first choice for a name in 1903 when a post office was about to be est., but as the name was already in use in Columbus County, it was rejected. Orrum was coined as a variant of Orton.
Orrum TownshipSE Robeson County.
Ortoncommunity in E central Brunswick County on Cape Fear River.
Ortoncommunity in N Columbus County served by post office, 1883-1904.
Orton Branchrises in S Buncombe County and flows NE into French Broad River.
Orton Creekrises in SE Brunswick County and flows E into Cape Fear River.
Orton PlantationE central Brunswick County overlooking Cape Fear River. House, built about 1725 by Roger Moore and later the home of Governor Benjamin Smith, is now a tourist attraction with extensive azalea gardens. The old town of Brunswick, which see, was nearby.
Orton Pointpoint of land S of mouth of Lilliput Creek in E Brunswick County extending into Cape Fear River.
Orton Pondartificial pond on Orton Creek in E Brunswick County. Built about 1810. Max. depth 12 ft. Surface area 500 acres.
Os-quee-ha-haSee Clear Creek.