North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Ogle RidgeS Yancey County near the head of Ogle Creek.
Ogreetacommunity in W Cherokee County on Hiwassee Lake between the mouth of Chambers Creek and Grape Creek.
Ohanoakor an Indian village visited by Ralph Lane, 1585-86, on the W bank of Chowan River in what is now NE Bertie County S of Colerain. Appears on the De Bry map, 1590. On the Comberford map, 1657, it appears as Wohanoke. Modern Tuscarora Indians say the name means "old village."
OhlantoSee Blowing Rock.
Oinecommunity in NW Warren County. Post office est. there in 1886 but discontinued in 1904.
Okaycommunity in NE Forsyth County served by post office, 1890-1904.
Okeewemeecommunity in N Montgomery County. Name derived from Indian word meaning "land between two rivers."
Okie Branchrises in S Duplin County and flows SE into Northeast Cape Fear River.
Okiskocommunity in W Pasquotank County. Settled prior to 1890. Named for a king of the Yeopim Indians. Alt. 12.
OklawahaSee Mud Creek.