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Hog BranchSee Hawk Branch.
Hog Camp Branchrises in S Watauga County and flows SE into Rockhouse Creek.
Hog Cane Branchrises in W Jackson County and flows N into Savannah Creek.
Hog HillSE Catawba County. Named for the fact that early settlers branded their hogs and let them roam there until fall, when they were taken home to be fattened.
Hog Islanda group of islands between Back Bay and Pamlico Sound, NE Carteret County. Site of early settlement. Appears as Hog Island on Moseley map, 1733. See also Camp Point.
Hog Islandswampy island in central Craven County formed by Neuse River on the E and Bachelor Creek and The Gut on the w. Formerly known as Leaches Island for George M. Leach, who owned the island in 1804, and appears with that name on the Price map, 1808, the MacRae map, 1833, and the U.S. Coast Survey map, 1865. Approx. 3½ mi. long and 1 mi. wide at its widest point.
Hog Islandin Pamlico Sound near Hog Island Point on the E mainland of Hyde County.
Hog IslandSee Lake Bay.
Hog Island Bayname erroneously given to Cedar Island Bay, NE Carteret County, on the 1935 Soil Survey map.
Hog Island NarrowsNE Carteret County, connects Cedar Island Bay with Back Bay.