North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Hawracommunity in SW Wilson County near the head of Lee Swamp. Post office, 1898-1903.
Haws Runrises in W Onslow County and flows E into Southwest Creek.
Hawshore MountainS central Avery County.
Hawtree Creekrises in N central Warren County and flows N into Virginia, where it enters Roanoke River. Appears on the Moseley map, 1733.
Hawtree TownshipN Warren County.
Hay Meadowcommunity in N central Wilkes County on Bee Tree Branch.
Hay Meadow Creekrises in N Wilkes County and flows S into Mulberry Creek.
Hay StackSee Haystack.
Haydon TopS Cherokee County S of Murphy.
Hayes Branchrises in central Watauga County and flows S into Laurel Creek.