North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Dividing RidgeN Transylvania County, extends SE from the head of Thompson Creek to Funneltop Mountain.
Dividing RidgeS Avery County.
Dividing Ridgein NE Henderson County between Burntshirt Mountain and the Buncombe-Henderson county line.
Dix Creekrises near Dix Creek Gap in SW Buncombe County and flows NE into Newfound Creek.
Dix Creekrises in S Haywood County and flows N into East Fork Pigeon River.
Dix Creek GapSW Buncombe County between Suther Knob and Hayes Top.
Dixiecommunity in S central Wilson County.
Dixiecommunity in W Mecklenburg County. Formerly Collins Crossroad, named for a store at the location. Known as Equality, 1836-46. Named changed to Dixie about 1883, when a community band was formed, the favorite tune locally being "Dixie." Served by post office, 1885-1920.
Dixoncommunity in S Onslow County.
Dixon Branchrises in SE Cleveland County and flows SW into South Carolina, where it enters Kings Creek.