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Desert, Thea term sometimes applied locally to that part of the Dismal Swamp that lies in Camden and Currituck Counties. See Dismal Swamp.
Desert, Thea pocosin in N Robeson County between Big Raft Swamp and Big Marsh Swamp. Oval shaped and presumed to be one of the Carolina Bays, which see. Covers 1,200 acres; water depth varies from 6 in. to 4 ft. Game abounds there, especially deer.
Deserta ArenosaSee Sandhills.
Deserta MontanaSee Sandhills.
Deserter Islanda land formation in S Duplin County surrounded by swamp.
Desolation Branchrises in NW Swain County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park and flows SW into Roaring Creek. It was named after some early hunters were thoroughly soaked in a cold rain there.
Destercommunity in S Union County.
Deuces QuarterSee Jews Quarter Island.
DevenportSee River Neck.
Devereux's FerrySee Bridgers Creek.