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Conrad Hill TownshipE central Davidson County.
Conradscommunity in E Yadkin County served by post office, 1880-1905.
ContaraSee Whitewater Falls.
ContarogaSee Whitewater Falls.
Contentneatown in central Greene County on Contentnea Creek. Inc. 1877, but long inactive in municipal affairs. Name derived from the Iroquoian/Tuscarora phrase meaning "fish passing by." Similarly named village of Cotechney (thief; rogue) is 4 mi. upstream.
Contentnea Creekis formed in W Wilson County by the junction of Moccasin and Turkey Creeks. It flows SE into Greene County across the county and onto the Lenoir-Pitt county line, which it follows into Neuse River. Contentnea is from the Iroquoian/Tuscarora phrase meaning "fish passing by." Formerly known as Great Contentnea Creek, it is referred to in the De Graffenried account of the founding of New Bern, 1709-10. Appears as Great Cotecktney Creek on the Collet map, 1770. Cotechney was an Indian village on the creek banks in present Greene County. Other eighteenth-century references to the stream use the name Quotankney Creek. See also Moccasin River.
Contentnea Lakecentral Wilson County on Contentnea Creek. Formed 1773. Covers 450 acres; max. depth 15 ft. First known as Cobb's Mill Pond (1773); later as Hadley's Mill Pond (named for Thomas Hadley), Barefoot's Mill Pond (1863), Wiggins Pond (1886), and David Daniel's Pond (1897). Acquired by Wilson Power and Light Co., 1904.
Contentnea Neck TownshipNE Lenoir County.
Contentnea TownshipSee Winterville Township.
Conwaytown in E Northampton County. Settled about 1835 and known first as Martin's Crossroads; later, by the early 1880s, as Kirby; and finally as Conway to honor the wife of an officer of the railroad. Inc. 1913. Alt. 105.