North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Bills Branchrises in W Haywood County and flows SW into Evans Creek.
Bills Creekcommunity in W Rutherford County on the stream of the same name.
Bills Creekrises in NW Rutherford County and flows E into Cove Creek. Named for Rev. William (Billy) Logan, whose brick house still stands nearby.
Bills KnobN Haywood County on the E end of Cedar Cliff.
Bills MountainNW Rutherford County between Bills Creek and Broad River. Alt. approx. 2,450. Named for Rev. William (Billy) Logan.
Bills MountainE Henderson County near Henderson Creek.
Billy Branchrises in N Transylvania County and flows SW into South Fork Mills River.
Billy Cabin Ridgein SE Macon County between Big Creek and Cullasaja River.
Billy CoveS Swain County between De Hart Creek and Marr Branch.
Billy Covevalley in SE Buncombe County NW of Billy Cove and Billy Cove Knob.