Beacon Island | in Pamlico Sound, NE Carteret County, is situated between Wallace Channel and Blair Channel leading through Ocracoke Inlet. Approx. 1,200 ft. long. Name derived from two large beacons on the island formerly used by pilots guiding ships through the channels. Jonathan Price wrote in 1795 that a "fort" was built on the S end of the island in 1794-95 pursuant to an act of Congress. Appears on the Moseley map, 1733. |
Beacon Island Road | See Wallace Channel. |
Beacon Island Shoal | in Pamlico Sound in NE Carteret County, obstructing passage through Ocracoke Inlet. Located between Beacon Island and Wallace Channel. Appears on the Moseley map, 1733. |
Beal's Knob | N Clay County near the Cherokee County line. Alt. 5,000-5,100. |
Beals Mill Pond | E Northampton County on a tributary of Potecasi Creek. |
Beam Mill | community in E Cleveland County on Magness Creek. Alt. 1,001. |
Beaman Run | the S part of Howell Swamp, in N Greene County; it flows SW into Contentnea Creek. Named for the Beaman family, which settled in the vicinity about the time of the Revolution. |
Beamans Crossroads | community in N Sampson County between Old Mill Swamp and Marsh Swamp. |
Bean Creek | is formed in N Mitchell County by the junction of Right Fork Bean Creek and Left Fork Bean Creek. It flows SE into Big Rock Creek. |
Bean Shoals | a succession of rocks and loose stones in Yadkin River on Surry-Yadkin county line, approx. 1 mi. S of the confluence of Ararat River. The shoals measure 2 mi. in length. The communities of Shoals (Surry County) and Bean Shoals (Yadkin County) are nearby. Mentioned as early as 1819 in a survey of the rivers of North Carolina. |