North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Buck Swamprises in S Wayne County and flows NW into Thoroughfare Swamp.
Buck Swamp TownshipNW Wayne County.
Buck Water CreekSee Buck Quarter Creek.
Buck Water MountainE Macon County between Little Buck Creek and Katie Creek.
Buckeye Branchrises in E Haywood County and flows SE into Bald Creek.
Buckeye Branchrises in NE Swain County and flows SE into Raven Fork.
Buckeye CoveNE Buncombe County on the W side of North Fork [Swannanoa River].
Buckeye CoveS Buncombe County S of Potato Knob.
Buckeye Coveon the Cherokee County, N.C.-Polk County, Tenn., line between Rocky Ford Creek and Potato Creek.
Buckeye CoveE Haywood County on the head of Cove Creek.