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Boone's Caveon a high bluff overlooking the Yadkin River in W Davidson County is traditionally said to have been occupied by Daniel Boone. It is near Horseshoe Neck, which see, and a park is maintained near the cave by the county.
Boone's Forkstream, rises in NW Caldwell County and flows W into Mulberry Creek. Named for Jesse Boone, pre-Revolutionary settler and nephew of Daniel Boone.
Boones Crossroadscommunity in SW Northampton County.
Boones GapSW Wilkes County near the headwaters of Warrior Creek. Named for the explorer Daniel Boone.
Boonfordcommunity in E Yancey County on North Toe River. Named for Daniel Boone, who is said to have forded the river there.
Boons Ferryappears on the Collet map, 1770, as being on the Meherrin River between NE Northampton County and NW Hertford County. By 1802 it had ceased operation, and by 1833 Boone Bridge existed at the site. A bridge still crosses the river there.
Boons Forkcommunity in central Northampton County.
Boonvilletown in N Yadkin County. Inc. 1895. Named for Daniel Boone (1734-1820), who is said to have camped at the site. Produces textiles and processed grain.
Boonville TownshipNW Yadkin County.
BordensvilleSee Mill Creek.