North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Umstead BridgeSee Redstone Point; Weir Point.
Umstead State ParkSee William B. Umstead State Park.
Una Creekrises in SE Swain County and flows W into Yalaka Creek.
Una GapSE Swain County on Una Mountain near the head of Mason Branch.
Una MountainSE Swain County on the head of Una Creek.
Unahalacommunity in S Swain County on Yalaka Creek and Una Creek.
Unakacommunity in NW Cherokee County near the junction of Copper and Beaverdam Creeks.
Unaka Mountainon the Mitchell County, N.C.-Unicoi County, Tenn., line. Alt. approx. 5,190. See also Unicoi Mountains.
Unaka Mountainsin Avery and Mitchell Counties, N.C., and Unicoi and Carter Counties, Tenn., form the common boundary line between the two states from the Nolichucky River to the Doe River (in Tennessee). Of 40 miscellaneous maps dating from 1795 to 1930, 22 called the ridge, in whole or in part, Iron Mountains; others divide between Iron and Yellow Mountains; and 5 call them Unaka Mountains the entire distance. Unaka is a corruption of Unega, meaning "white"; it is used in the 1789 act passed by the General Assembly of North Carolina that ceded what is now the state of Tennessee to the U.S. government.
Uncascommunity in E Mecklenburg County served by post office, 1893-1903.