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Tucker Creekrises in W Transylvania County and flows SE into North Fork French Broad River.
Tucker Gapcentral Graham County between Mountain Creek and Sweetwater Creek.
Tucker Hollowmountain valley in N central Avery County.
Tucker Islanda silty clay and loam island in Roanoke River, NW Northampton County. Formerly approx. 2 mi. long, but now largely covered by the waters of Roanoke Rapids Lake. Appears as Pughs Island on the Price map, 1808, and as a part of Hamlins Shoals on the MacRae map, 1833.
Tucker's BarnSee Lenoir.
Tuckerdalecommunity in NW Ashe County.
Tuckertownformer community in NW Montgomery County. Served by post office, 1910-30. Site now covered by waters of Tuckertown Lake, a reservoir for Carolina Aluminum Company completed in 1962. Originally named Milledgeville; renamed about 1900 for an official of a northern firm that operated a rope-manufacturing plant there. The mill was abandoned and houses were moved from the site when construction of the dam for the lake began.
Tuckertown Lakeon Yadkin River in Davidson, Montgomery, Rowan, and Stanly Counties. Covers 3,000 acres, with a shoreline of 40 mi. Max. depth 50 ft. Named for a former community in Montgomery County whose site it now covers. Completed in 1962 by Carolina Aluminum Company; used as a reservoir, to generate hydroelectric power, and for recreation.
Tugman MountainW Wilkes County between Stony Fork Creek and Yadkin River.
TugwellSee Toddy.