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Sunsetcommunity in central Granville County served by post office, 1892-1905.
Sunset Beachtown in SW Brunswick County. Inc. in 1963.
Sunset LakeS Wake County on Middle Creek at the junction of Basal Creek; formerly known as Orfords Pond. Covers 100 acres; max. depth 20 ft. Used for fishing and boating.
Sunset Mountaincentral Buncombe County NE of Asheville.
Sunset Parkformer town in central Buncombe County, now wholly within the corporate limits of Asheville. Inc. 1891; charter repealed 1897. It lay N of the town limits and W of Charlotte Street extension.
Sunset Rockon Satulah Branch in SE Macon County.
Sunshinecommunity in NE Rutherford County on Robinson Creek. Served by post office, 1881-1908. Named prior to 1881 by J. W. Biggerstaff, who had a store there. The site is shaded in the early morning by Cherry Mountain, but it acquired its name because local residents could see the sunshine on the top of the mountain.
Sunup Knobon Haywood County, N.C.-Cocke County, Tenn., line in Great Smoky Mountains National Park near lat. 35°44'45" N., long. 83°10'14" W. Alt. 5,050-5,100.
Supplycommunity in S central Brunswick County on Lockwoods Folly River. From 1805 until 1810, the county courthouse was at the site.
Surf Citytown in SE Pender County on the Atlantic Ocean. Inc. 1949.